Pygmy Kids
membership level
Attend 8-10 one-hour project meeting per year at McClellan Ranch.
Participate in one group service learning project per year.
The Squeaky Clean Club
membership level
Includes all the responsibilities of Pygmy Kids plus:
Take part in training program for feeding/cleaning & opening/closing duties.
Participate in weekly feeding/cleaning and opening/closing duties for at least 4 consecutive weeks per year.
Meet Me In My Herd
membership level
1Includes all the responsibilities of Pygmy Kids and The Squeaky Clean Club plus:
Purchase a goat (average cost $300 and up)
Provide veterinary care when needed and upkeep in on-site quarantine pen when sick.
Share cost of food, supplies and rent for the year with other goat owners (average cost is $500-700/year/goat)
Perform routine care for goat including: hoof trimming, lice treatment, vaccination, and injectable supplements on a regular basis.
Attend a mandatory monthly owner's meeting following project meetings (average 60 minutes/meeting/month)
Mandatory weekly cleaning of pen including sharing and covering shifts with the other owners (average 60 minutes/week).
Mandatory rotating opening/closing duties of animal pens evenings and mornings throughout the year (averaging 10 minutes two days/week for 3 months/year).
Mandatory participation in bi-yearly ranch work days (8 hours/year/youth).
Mandatory participation in 2 ranch tours given on Saturday mornings in the fall and spring (6 hours/year).
Adult Volunteers & Project Leaders
Work with Junior and Teen leaders to plan meetings.
Communicate with all members of the project, the other animal projects and the ranch leadership.
Maintain a safe learning environment for all members.